Friday, January 20, 2012

In The Beginning...

I would say that I have lost my mind, but I question whether I ever truly possessed it in the first place. Starting a blog? Because I have so much free time, right?  Time is a relative term, right? ;-) 
This is time I could be cleaning, painting, crocheting, SLEEPING...
But who needs that anyway.
I feel like I am like most moms. One day we realize there is not time or room for a social life. We resort to Facebooking and Tweeting for social interaction. But those really aren't the proper venues. People are judgmental and harsh, especially those that have nothing better to do than trolling on social networks all day. Those are the same people who get tired of hearing you talk about your kids, but are also quick to tell you exactly what a good parent should do--- you know the type, the one's without kids!
Truth is, I will never stop talking about my kids. Not only do they own my heart, but they monopolize my time! Their stories are my stories. So I will blog them. I will blog about anything I darn well please. This is my free therapy session. :-)
I just needed somewhere to vent that could be just about me, only me. I need somewhere that I can be number one. Even if I only blog once in a while, that is time that is mine. And I think I am pretty cool.