Monday, March 9, 2015

Weight Loss and The Law of Attraction

Can you really lose weight using the Law Of Attraction? If you understand the principle of the law, then you know that you can accomplish anything -or nothing- by setting your mind to it. But it is more than that. Your wording, intentions, feelings and actions also need to be in proper form. Having set the goal of dressing as Marvel's Black Widow for Halloween, of course I want to use the Law of Attraction to my advantage. 
1. Intention: I will be in the healthiest, fittest shape I have ever been in by October 31, 2015.
2. Wording: This is SO important! If I say, "I need to lose weight" then I will continually attract needing to lose weight.  Instead, I should focus on being my "perfect" weight and being my "perfect" size. 
3. Feelings: This is a tough one. If I have negative feelings about myself, I will attract more reasons to feel discouraged.  We have been socialized to very particular standards of beauty. We have been socialized to feel "less than" if we do not meet those impossible standards. I need to start feeling good about me, about my body. I also need to feel proud of myself for honoring my body with healthy choices. 
4. Actions: What actions should I take? First, I need to take inventory of everything I love about myself and the many reasons this new project is good for my family and me. Second, I need to be grateful that I can do this. Third, I need to get a clear picture in my head of my "perfect" body. Lastly, I need to use "I AM" statements. For example, "I am healthy and physically fit."
My next blog on LoA weight loss will focus on visualization as an integral part of the process. 

Be Well, my friends!

Hulk Smashed!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Yet another project!

I haven't written anything this weekend (yet), but I have been working on a drawing of The Hulk for my son's room. It's been fun! My eldest child has been filming my drawings to add them to YouTube. 😎

Of course, this ADD brain of mine is always jumping around and I have set a new project for myself. This one is a project that I will need to dedicate my whole self to, and I think it will yield excellent results! My family is a bit obsessed with superheroes and all things Marvel. SO! I have decided to dress up as Black Widow for Halloween. I usually just throw on a witch hat and call it a day (I have a nice little collection of witch hats actually!). This new costume idea requires immediate action. I don't exactly have Scarlet Johannsen's figure, and know I never will. We have completely different body types. But that does not mean I shouldn't work on getting myself in the most Butt-kicking shape of my life!
I've fluctuated between a vegetarian and vegan diet for several months. I feel better when vegan, but vegetarian suits my family life a bit better. I think making more vegan choices will help with my Black Widow project. I am also heading back to the gym, where I will pair cardio and weight training. My goal is heading to the gym for one hour four times a week and working out 20-30 minutes a day at home when I don't get to the gym. 
I would ask you to wish me luck, but I don't need luck. Wish me dedication!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Art Journal "lyric"

Writing, Law of Attraction, and Color Pencils

Howdy! As usual, I have fifty-eleven projects going on at any specific time. I have been writing a book. I love listening to audio books when I am on my daily commute. Most recently, I have been reading or listening to the Pendergast series by Preston and Child. I love great stories like this, because they really make me think. Of course, the plot and the character development are engaging, but  what would turn my brain the most was the amount of research they must do to create such a believable story! I mean all those authors out there can't be experts on EVERYTHING, right?
I decided to put myself to the test. I love stories with a supernatural or paranormal theme, so that needs to be a part of my book. I am an artist, so there will also be an art element. I know a little about a lot of "New Age" culture, so I decided to make that part the research.
The first several pages came rather easily. It was when I needed to delve into the research that I got "stuck". I let the whole working mom of three thing and multiple other projects get in the way. I started knitting a blanket for my son. I decided to teach myself how to do color pencil portraits. The list goes on...
I am a firm believer in the law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that when you have an inspired thought you should follow through, so I am! Which means, I am getting back to my writing. I am thinking about posting excerpts on here. I am not quite decided on that yet!

Color Pencil Portraits. It makes so much freaking sense!!! As an oil painter, I never get to paint with little kids running around the house because it is just not safe. Honestly, I never gave CP's the credit they deserve! Now that I have had some success with the medium, I have decided to make some YouTube time-lapse videos of my work. :)

As for the blanket I am knitting for my son...Well it may end up for my GRANDSON before I get finished at this rate! Just kidding! I need to set a date to be finished and make it work. Period!

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Helen S Palmenteri